Friday, April 29, 2011

pink attack..


uhuhuuu,,i feel so bored to do the same things every week ,yeeah ,these project  make me down successfully . Knowing my project  was not successful ,i tried harder than before, i said : “don’t  give up, keep on trying !”, in every time ..

   i had made it just by myself..maybe, alone is better since they’re not be able for doing these well.

I need a rest ,i wish to go somewhere now..cliing…Bali… if only i had doraemon’s pocket  or om jin.. ..(dreaming).  ahahaa unfortunately, im still here, in my pink room. well,  i must  entertain my self., i must  get  my power back and here are the attack..becoz i love pink  xixi

    14                                                                                “ Weuw...look!”



doraemon : “ Hey,where will we go?”

me : “hmmm…..





smile iaa..

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