Saturday, July 16, 2011

Solo.. the Spirit of Java


logo spirit of java

Alhamdulillah  beberapa pekan yang lalu berkesempatan  pergi ke  Solo untuk berkunjung ke SIPA (Solo International Performing Art) dan ke Tawang Mangu menengok kawan lama hahag..^^ si kera ekor panjang.. Perjalanan dimulai pukul 10.40 WIB saat kereta prameks datang di Lempuyangan,dengan modal  9000 rupiah kami (Yusna dan Rianti) menumpang kereta menuju Purwosari. yuhuuy..

Singkat cerita..ceileee..

kami bertemu dengan wong Solo, teman  kampus yang baik hati yang menemani kami berkeliling , sebut saja namanya Dana..  hehe…  teman satu jurusan dengan Rianti. Tujuan pertama langsung cap cus ke grojogan Sewu..wuihii  here is  d picts..



“Tawangmangu is located 40 km east of Solo, this recreational resort. Tawangmangu, a mountain resorts at an elevation of almost 1 km above sea level, which promises a cool escape from the city's heat. It lies on the slopes of Mt., Lawu, at an elevation of 1300 m above sea level.The climate is fresh and one can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Grojogan Sewu

It is a 100 M high waterfall; the pool at the bottom has very chilly water. In front of the gate to Grojogan Sewu, horses for rent are available to ride around Tawangmangu. wanna try??  Grojogan Sewu is located at Mount Lawu (2632 meter), 27 kilometres from Karanganyar Regency. There are not one thousand waterfalls at Grojogan Sewu, which means 'thousand waterfall' but the site is a very attractive one. The highest waterfall at Grojogan Sewu is 81 metres and the forest location adds to the natural beauty of the area.Grojogan Sewu Waterfall is located at Tawangmangu. Located at a distance of almost 40 kilometer from Solo, Tawangmangu is a recreational resort. Visiting this mountain resort is a great way to beat the heat of Solo. The journey to this hill resort passes through serpentine and hair pin like bends. The lush green vegetation and fog cover is what makes the journey a treat for the eyes. ”



always smile..^^

9 61   

  “yellow” mood of Rianti

uuuuu4yusna           *              dana             *               rianti










 hem hem





source :


Anonymous said...

Adekk..bwahahha di-post..hihihii..Lucu
Kapan2 kita liat SIPA n ke Solo lagii yach,Tapi katanya ke Sarangan bagus tuch,,danaunya..hehhehe.
Btw,,Poto aku yang baju kuning sbelah kiri kok kliatan Enduuuttzzzz..beuddz..

Dana baiik ya dek...Thanx Dana *o*..Like u


diary yuphy said...

yihaaaa...kapan2 kesana lagi ihihi n maen k Sarangan..yeeah thx to Dana^^