Monday, February 14, 2011


clip_image002Wew,what a beautiul flowers!

Nice to see soul feel so peace,calm,and plesant. There’s  alot of kind of flower, each of  them has a meaning. Flower  is precious and valuable, not just a part of  decoration. Flower is a symbol of  beuty and gentle . Flower can help us to explain and express our feeling to the oher person. A lot of  boy express their feeling inside the deepest heart by sending flowers to their girlfriend yeeah.. the most popular flower to convey “ love” is ROSE. Heem, red roses.. saying "I love you" .. red roses to convey the message of your passionate love for that someone





red roses to convey the message of your passionate love for that someone, saying "I love you"

deep pink

show your appreciation & gratitude; saying "Thank you".   

light pink

convey admiration and sympathy



Spiritual love & Purity,
Commonly used to symbolize a happy love. You can nevertheless use them to convey the message of "You are heavenly, I miss you



They signify friendship, joy, gladness and freedom, the promise of a newbeginning.
Send yellow roses to brighten up someone's day; to congratulate your friends and loved ones during Joyous occasions


Passionate desire, pure enthusiasm and fascination
An excellent choice for a new relationship that you wish to pursue further. it can nevertheless also be referring to a new business partnership.



Love at first sight and enchantment

Send lavender roses of course, to convey the message of your "love at first sight" with that special someone. you can nevertheless also send them if you like to make a special impression





1 rose

Love at the first sight; you are the one

2 roses

Mutual love between both, deeply in love with one another

3 roses

I love you

6 roses

I wanna be yours

7 roses

I'm infatuated with you

9 roses

An Eternal love, together as long as we live

10 roses

You are perfect

11 roses

You are my terasured one; the one I love most in my life

12 roses

Be my steady

13 roses

Secret Admirer

15 roses

I am truly sorry, please forgive me

20 roses

Believe me, I am sincere towards you

21 roses

I am devoted to you

24 roses

Can't stop thinking about you, 24 hours everyday

33 roses

Saying "I love you" with great affection

36 roses

I will remember our romantic moments

40 roses

My love for you is genuine

50 roses

Regretless love, this is

99 roses

I will love you, for as long as I live

101 roses

You are my one and only one

108 roses

Please marry me!

365 roses

Can't stop thinking about you, each and everyday

999 roses

Everlasting and eternal love




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