Sunday, July 29, 2012

sekarang dan masa depan


masa depan adalah urusan Tuhan

yang harus kita lakukan sekarang adalah melakukan segala sesuatu sebaik mungkin sesuai kemampuan

dan berusaha memperbaiki diri agar tidak mendapat kerugian


salam kecup,



Friday, July 27, 2012

escape from the bustle



everyday is busy day for me  cause  im in  research activity.  My work  is completely finish not yet, it sound  distressed . yeah everyday   morning till evening i work alone without partners but uncomlaining.and do everyhing well as i can. But sometimes,  i get terrible within unpleasure situation is that the reason to take a break.  i got the chance for a vacation, not extravagant vacation nor private vacation just a low cost recreation with my parents.

2  week ago , my parents and i went to banyuwangi-Bali .,i enjoyed throught the trip on the train for aprropximetly 12 hours .      i started the long trip from Yogyakarta (lempuyangan railway station)  by Sri Tanjung (name of train, economy class).  i  just paid Rp 35.000 for the ticket.,it is cheaper  and absolutely faster than bus, . in the midninght arrrived at Banyuwangi Baru railway station then moved to mulia losmen for stay  overnight .   Banyuwangi Baru railway station is  located near Ketapang port, about 500 metres .


the second day,..  i went to Bali.

i rode ship from ketapang to gilimanuk, the tickets  Rp 6000 each person. it  was  my second chance  rode ship to Bali. hopefully  i could see the sunrise in the morning, unfortunately it was a cloudly morning.


arrived at gilimanuk, i walk out the port   moved to bus station . i rode bus to Ubung bus station,. i got bored during the trip because it needs 4 hours to reach Denpasar.  but my bad feeling dissapear when i  saw the blue sea from the windows of the bus. I went to Kuta  Bali , it full of tourist from foreigm countries hahaaa

next day,.. went to the central city on Bnyuwangi , just walked around and tasted the traditional food of Banyuwangi

    Alhamdulillah ^^

salam kecup,




